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Case study
Recruitment and consulting services

How we sourced and hired 40 UDTs in 3 months.


We share with you our story of obtaining 40 UDT-qualified employees.


The increased number of orders for components for car production, resulted in our client running out of people to fulfill these orders.


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Acquisition of 100 employees from the UDT

High requirements in terms of technical competence

Relatively short time to meet demand


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Getting to know the specifics of working at the customer's site

We went on a site visit to the client to see firsthand exactly what the specifics of the job entail.



We embarked on the recruitment process involving almost the entire recruitment and marketing team, which strongly supported our efforts in this regard.


Accommodating and coordinating the employment of workers under time pressure

We sourced accommodations for potential employees and guaranteed transportation to work. All this to maximize the number of candidates.


Efficient implementation process

Thanks to a well-thought-out process, the deployment of employees was carried out in an efficient and effective manner. From the very beginning, we took a systematic approach to it. We divided the entire implementation process into weekly cycles, which were carefully planned together with the client. In order to ensure optimal working conditions and quick resolution of any problems, the project received a project coordinator who oversaw the implementation of employees. Thanks to this, we had full control over the project and minimized the risk of unexpected difficulties arising. Our team was also responsible for improving communication between the parties and finding the best solutions to difficult situations.


After 2 months, the client had 50 new employees from various countries in Asia and Europe. The order was completed according to the client's guidelines, passing practical tests. The culmination of the process is the hiring of 40 people with UDT licenses. Thanks to the efficient recruitment, the client recommended us within the group.

These workers met the high technical requirements of experience and Polish UDT license.

The company was able to efficiently handle the additional order that came in.







problems solved


Matching the right solutions to the problems encountered and meticulously mapping them at the beginning of the project contributed to achieving such a spectacular result in such a short time. We are characterized by agility and the ability to operate under time pressure, which allowed us to complete the order efficiently.

Customer testimonials

We presented ourselves to Mid Ocean Logistics Poland as a professional and reliable agency for recruiting qualified employees

Other realizations

Legalization of employment of foreigners

How we recruited and hired workers from the Philippines for our automotive client.

Recruitment and consulting services

How we sourced and hired 40 UDTs in 3 months.

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